Friday, 31 March 2017

What Really Grinds My Gears

Just a general whinge...

One thing that really grinds my gears is the warped diseased beaurocratic attitude of "I'm sorry that's the rules" regarding ludicrous methods.
I've always been pro-active and always endeavour to find a logical way round hindering rules. If I come up against a hurdle, I try and find a way round it. It's the logical approach to find a solution to a problem.

Yet many beurocrats are content to just stonewall those who are trying to get things done. I cannot fathom this mentality of "those are the rules, sorry" and being ok to continue with a flawed system / method of approach.
Whatever happened to an employee identifying flaws in a system and trying to improve it, by way of positive influence? Surely that would be the logical approach. Why continue to roll with a flawed system? It makes no sense to me. I've always fought to improve areas where there are inneficiencies. Lobby those who have an element of influence at the top. That's how positive changes are made. That's how things improve.

It frustrates me immensely when others do not think the way I do about this, yet I consider my logic to be a common sense approach.

-Ian French