Friday, 20 January 2017

My Thoughts on the Brexit situation

The people of the UK spoke out finally against the corrupt behemoth dictatorship in Brussels. Like David VS Goliath, when the UK leaves, it will start a chain reaction like a toppling house of cards. Or another metaphor... Brexit is Goliath's achilles heel. And so I answer questions that I am so often asked...

Why did you vote for Britain to leave the European Union?*
As a classically liberal,  fiscally conservative libertarian, I voted to Leave the EU for many reasons... Big governments can be a very scary thing especially when power is centralized and used oppressively against the will of the people. I see the EU as a control freak, power hungry dictator that gobbles up nation's sovereignty by weakening their legislation so that the EU's legislation reigns supreme. The EU is obsessed with drafting new legislation, and I believe they do so with the agenda of ensuring there are more and more situations of legislature conflict, so the EU has the upper hand in control.

The EU just keeps getting bigger and bigger and more sinister in it's approach. It sneaks through damaging legislation hidden in thousands of pages of legislation so that MEP's don't notice it when reading it before voting, and that legislation has been paid for by big corps, big pharma, big banking lobbyists to ensure that the fat cats monopolize markets.

The EU is only beneficial for the fat cats and hinders small businesses from getting a foothold in European markets. It doesn't help matters when the single market is a protection racket to ensure that members trade only within, and prevented from trading outside. That only recently changed with the World Trade Council being formed, but the EU is so vastly bureaucratic that nobody can agree on anything or even take action to change the rules so that trade outside the EU can take place. They are so incompetent that the EU took 9 years to formulate a trade deal with Canada. Yet other non-EU countries made trade deals with Canada without the need for political union and it just took months to complete.

The EU is a dated concept. Every nation member has different geography, infrastructure, industry and cultures. Yet the EU imposes a 'one size fits all' approach to every nation and it just doesn't work. It is ideological rubbish with little common sense. While it works well for some, it causes damage for others. The damage to our fishing and manufacturing industries are proof of that.

The 'free movement' idea sounds nice in principle but in reality comes with many serious long term consequences. A soaring population is creating huge demands on housing, NHS waiting lists, classroom sizes, and also more population means more drivers on the roads adding to more congestion. Yes, immigration has it's positives, but it's foolish to ignore the negative aspects and this is where the EU becomes incompetent, naive and ignorant. It refuses to admit when it's wrong, and sticks to its principles even when they are proven to be disastrous. They are too pig headed to listen to criticism or reasoning.

Sometimes I wonder if the EU is only being held together by the corruption and cushy lifestyles of the wealthy beurocrats who are intent to keep themselves busy drafting more legislation as an excuse to keep their well feathered jobs. Do they care if it adversely affects a country? I doubt it. I do think it takes a control freak mentality to obsess about requiring never ending legislation.

I could go on about democracy and our right to be self governed by our own elected representatives, but I could be here all day... In short, I voted leave to protect my country from further harm after reflecting on decades of EU disasters, as well as considering the negative aspects of the entire structure, and the future plans to destabilize nations to please the corrupt elite.

Socialists who voted Remain will disagree and put forth the ''we need to work together in harmony'' mantra. But they tend to think with heart over head rather than head over heart. They act on emotions rather than logic, and the reality is that our elected politicians have tried for decades to change the EU for the better, yet the EU refuses to listen, and the situation continues to worsen even with our level of influence.  The logic is that we are losing this war. Reform is looking impossible and so it's time to walk away from a ticking time bomb that we cannot diffuse.

Are you happy with the outcome, or are you having second thoughts?
Yes I am happy with the outcome although I do have my concerns. I have no second thoughts with regard to my vote, as my opinions are pretty solid on the matter.
My concerns are how the political establishment will re-align after descending into turmoil and imploding in on themselves. It will take a genuine Brexit leadership to see the next stages of liberty to be enacted and for the UK to prosper, and at this moment in time it looks like the cabinet have failed to prepare and only now are putting pen to paper.
We will see a short term wobble in the markets, but this can be controlled if confidence is key, and for that, government to media communication is paramount to avoid uncertainty.

What are your hopes for the future?
My hopes for the future is that the divorce is dealt with as smoothly as possible. That the government as well as the EU doesn't try any nasty tricks and backtracks against the result. That the government keeps the people informed regularly of the Brexit strategy so that markets and their traders will keep their cool and remain stable. That we can retain a trading agreement with Europe without being held hostage to accepting free movement policy or having to accept more legislation to abide by.
I hope that we as a country can prosper with wealth and influence with the rest of the world. I am confident we can do so now that we have the shackles of a bureaucratic dictator now taken away, and now have the freedom to be able to flourish.

-Ian French, of Huddersfield