Saturday, 15 January 2022

The problem within the civil service is attitude and work ethic.

 My never ending war with the civil service inevitably continues. The most incompetent and impotent workforce in society ticks all of the boxes of a stereotypical snoozy desk clerk, who are reluctant to get their lazy backsides off a chair and speak face to face with a human being.

Trying to get these inactive units in shirts to acknowledge the receipt of a letter that they requested is like pulling teeth. They cannot even read and comprehend the paragraphs within the letter and subsequently they never process said information, despite asking for it and receiving it, twice. Throw in gross incompetence, and a lack of understanding of how the world works, and the tropes are there. These souless grey drones wouldn't last 6 months in the private sector due to their glacial pace of a work ethic. It just wouldn't fly. Sometimes I wonder how these cretins even manage to get the job as they are often clueless and in a half asleep daze. It cannot be through ability as often it's rare to see in action. Maybe it's through nepotism and giving blowies to the powers that be that results in their rise through the ranks? The most effective and productive thing that these units could do would be lift their fat arse off their desk chair, walk to the nearest door, lie down and adopt a new position of being the office draught excluder. The cogs of industry in the private sector are always turning, yet the public sector's cogs barely move. Maybe a clear out of the dead wood would help as these people just hinder progress. They cause and exacerbate problems rather than solve them. - Ian French